New Jersey Marriage License Index, 1901-1914
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New Jersey Marriage License Index, 1901-1914
769,976 գրառումները
This collection is an index to marriage licenses filed at the New Jersey State Clerk Offices from 1901 to 1914. The index contains the given names and surnames of both the bride and the groom, the year of the license application, and the state file number. The images in this collection have been obtained through the outstanding work and efforts of Reclaim the Records.<br><br>The below paragraphs are provided to assist in understanding the information listed in the “State File No.” and “Place of Marriage” columns, as shown on the index images. Please note that MyHeritage has used this information to correctly interpret and display these fields in this collection. <br><br>From 1901 to 1903 the index displays the Place of Marriage code and the State File Number reversed. The first three digits shown under the “State File No.” column actually represent the Place of Marriage code. We do not have a key for these marriage place codes for this year range. The last three to five digits shown under the “State File No.” and “Place of Marriage” columns represent the volume and certificate number. The volume number is the first one to two digits of this number, and the certificate number is the last three digits. The certificate number resets each year. The original marriage records are available on microfilm at the New Jersey State Archive and are organized by year and certificate number. <br><br>From 1904 to 1909 the index displays the State File Number broken into two parts. The first one to two digits represent the volume number. The last two to three digits represent the certificate number. The certificate number resets each year. The Place of Marriage code does not exist in this year range. The original marriage records are available on microfilm at the New Jersey State Archive and are organized alphabetically by the groom’s surname and the year of marriage. You do not need the volume or certificate number. <br><br>From 1910 to 1914 the State File Number represents the volume and certificate number. The first two digits represent the volume number. The last three digits represent the certificate number. The certificate number resets each year. The Place of Marriage code is always listed as “00000” in this year range. The original records are available on microfilm at the New Jersey State Archive, and are organized alphabetically by the groom’s surname and the year of marriage.<br> <br>Marriage records are an important genealogical record as they not only record information about the bride, the groom, and their residence when the marriage occurred but often contain additional information such as birth dates, birthplaces, occupations, and whether single, widowed, or divorced at the time of the marriage. Often a marriage license will also contain information about the parents of the bride and groom including the parents’ names and birthplaces. Copies of the original marriage records found in this index can be requested from the <a href="">State Archive</a>.<br> <br>Thanks to Debbie Hadley, a New Jersey genealogist, for the research provided. You can reach her through her website, <a href=""></a>.
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Enoch L. JohnsonMarried: 1906 - New Jersey
Enoch Lewis "Nucky" Johnson was a politician, Atlantic County sheriff, businessman, and racketeer. He was known as the "boss" of the political machine during the Prohibition until his imprisonment in 1941. Johnson was married twice. His first wife was Mabel Jeffries, his high school sweetheart, whom he married in 1906.